2024 Tour Schedule

August 3 Lane Field Park San Diego, CA 12:30pm

Join us for an intimate, stripped-down performance at the Lane Field Market in sunny San Diego. Eat, shop, and vibe with us. CLICK HERE for more info.

August 10 Ventura County Fair Ventura, CA 9pm

We're excited for a full band performance at Ventura County Fair's Seabreeze Stage. Visit venturacountyfair.org for fair information, and CLICK HERE for free Banded Future Fam tickets!

August 4 Lane Field Park San Diego, CA 12:30pm

Join us for an intimate, stripped-down performance at the Lane Field Market in sunny San Diego. Eat, shop, and vibe with us. CLICK HERE for more info.

August 17 Private Venue Hollywood, CA 5pm

We're celebrating 100 episodes of the Life's A Circus Podcast with a special livestream event in Hollywood, CA. Details coming soon!

Banded Future Music

Join The Banded Future Fam

Life's A Circus Podcast

Audience Reviews

Banded Future's music is catchy and always puts me in a good mood.

I love how Banded Future's music appeals to people of all ages. It's refreshing!

Their music is the perfect blend of pop and hip hop. Definitely my favorite group!

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